Health benefits of nigella


Nigella or Kalonji (Nigella sativa L.) is an erect, herbaceous annual plant, belonging to the plant family Ranunculaceae. It is native to the areas of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. It is used as condiments/ spices as a flavoring agent and as an additive in food stuffs, it supplements to service and maintain good health and well-being. It is an important substance in Indian traditional medical systems such as Unani and Ayurveda. The seeds contain a number of phytochemical compounds, including both primary and secondary metabolites and more than a hundred phytochemicals have been identified as having nutritive and therapeutic value. It is commercially grown in the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar and also grown in small quantities in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.








Nigella can be grown in a variety of soil types that are rich in organic matter and free of water logging. Loamy, medium to heavy soils with high fertility levels, on the other hand, are ideal. The land should receive enough sunlight without being shaded. Although soil pH near neutral reaction is beneficial, plants can be grown successfully on soil pH 6 – 8. However, loamy, medium to heavy soils with a high fertility level is best.


Nigella is a cool weather crop which is primarily grown in India during the rabi season. It is also grown as a kharif crop in some areas. It is planted as a rabi season crop from mid-September to mid-October. Temperature is extremely important for seed germination, between 20-25° Celsius is ideal for sowing. Cold weather is beneficial to early growth, but warm, sunny



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